63 London Slang Terms

London, the vibrant capital of the UK, is a buzzing metropolis where old meets new, and cultures from all over the world come together. Known for its iconic landmarks like Big Ben and the bustling markets of Camden, it’s a city that’s always on the move.

But it’s not just the landmarks that make London unique—its slang is just as colourful and dynamic as the city itself. Whether you’re grabbing a cuppa or riding the tube, London slang has its own flair.

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SlangHub unpick some of the slang terms you might hear out and about in the capital.

Here’s our top 10 slang terms, to help you speak like a true Londoner!

1.     Peng – Someone who is attractive or good-looking.

“That guy is peng, innit?”

2.     Bare – A lot of something.

“There’s bare people at the party tonight!”

3.     Mandem – A group of male friends.

“The mandem are coming round later to chill.”

4.     Bait – Obvious or easily noticed.

“That move was so bait, everyone saw it!”

5.     Peak – Unfortunate or unlucky.

“It’s so peak that you missed the concert.”

6.     Innit – Short for “isn’t it?”, often used for emphasis.

“That’s cool, innit?”

7.     Creps – Another word for trainers.

“Check out my new creps, they’re fresh!”

8.     Wasteman – A useless or lazy person.

“He’s a proper wasteman!.”

9.     Skint – Having no money.

“I can’t go out tonight, I’m skint!”

10.  Leng – Something or someone very attractive.

            “She’s absolutely leng!”

Other Popular London Slang Terms

1.     Allow it – To forget about something or let it slide.

“Allow it, mate, it’s not worth the hassle.”

2.     Bruv – Short for brother, used to address a close friend.

“What’s good, bruv?”

3.     Butters – Ugly or unattractive.

“That shirt is butters, mate.”

4.     Cotch – To chill or hang out.

“Let’s cotch at my place later.”

5.     Don – A respected or cool person.

“He’s the don of this area.”

6.     Ends – Neighbourhood or area.

“I’m heading back to my ends.”

7.     Fam – Short for family, used to refer to close friends.

“What’s happening, fam?”

8.     Gassed – Excited or hyped up.

“I’m gassed for the weekend!”

9.     Gaff – House or flat.

“We’re having a party at my gaff tonight.”

10.  Grub – Food.

“Let’s get some grub before the film.”

11.  Link – To meet up with someone.

“I’ll link you at the park later.”

12.  Mug – A fool or someone easily taken advantage of.

“Don’t let them take you for a mug!”

13.  Par – An insult or disrespect.

“That comment was a par, mate.”

14.  Rinse – To overuse or exhaust something.

“I’ve rinsed all my data this month.”

15.  Safe – Used to show agreement or that someone is trustworthy.

“He’s safe, you can trust him.”

16.  Wagwan – What’s going on?

“Yo, wagwan bro?”

17.  Jarring – Annoying or frustrating.

“Her constant texting is jarring.”

18.  Lofty – Arrogant or stuck-up.

“He’s acting a bit lofty lately.”

19.  Moist – Weak or soft.

“Stop being so moist and just ask her out!”

20.  Bun – To smoke or burn something.

“Let’s bun a cigarette.”

21.  Brap – An exclamation of excitement, often used in grime music.

“That drop was mad! Brap!”

22.  Chirps – To flirt with someone.

“He’s been chirpsing her all night.”

23.  Deep it – To think about something seriously.

“Don’t deep it, life’s too short.”

24.  Duck out – To leave quickly.

“I’m going to duck out early tonight.”

25.  Feds – The police.

“Watch out, the feds are about.”

26.  Finesse – To trick or deceive someone.

“He tried to finesse me out of £20.”

27.  Gwan – Short for “going on,” asking how someone is.

“Yo, what’s gwan?”

28.  Jam – To chill out or relax.

“Let’s just jam at home today.”

29.  Live – Exciting or full of energy.

“That party was live last night!”

30.  Low it – Forget about something or let it go.

“Low it, it’s not worth the argument.”

31.  Neek – A nerd or someone who is socially awkward.

“He’s such a neek.”

32.  Pattern up – To get something organised or sorted out.

“I need to pattern up my room before guests come over.”

33.  Shook – Scared or frightened.

“He was shook when the dog barked at him.”

34.  Skepta – To be doubtful or skeptical.

“I’m a bit Skepta about that deal.”

35.  Snaked – Betrayed or double-crossed.

“He snaked me by telling the boss.”

36.  Tekkers – Skillful or impressive technique.

“Those football tekkers were insane!”

37.  Truss me – Trust me.

“It’ll be fine, truss me.”

38.  Vexed – Angry or upset.

“I’m proper vexed about what happened.”

39.  Wavy – Cool or trendy.

“Your outfit is looking wavy today.”

40.  Yute – A young person.

“The yutes around here are always causing trouble.”

41.  Bricky – Nervous or scared.

“I was feeling bricky before the exam.”

42.  Buss – To break or reveal something.

“Buss that move at the club tonight!”

43.  Clapped – Ugly or unattractive.

“That jacket is clapped, mate.”

44.  Crud – To act tough or aggressive.

“He’s moving all crud since he got that new job.”

45.  Dash – To throw something.

“Dash me the remote, fam.”

46.  Fly – Looking sharp or fashionable.

“You’re looking fly in that jacket!”

47.  Galdem – A group of female friends.

“The galdem are coming over later.”

48.  Heavy – Impressive or great.

“That tune is heavy, bro!”

49.  It’s a mazza – A crazy or wild situation.

“That party was a mazza, people were dancing on tables!”

50.  Jammy – Lucky.

“You jammy git, winning that raffle!”

51.  Nang – Amazing or cool.

“That concert was nang, fam.”

52.  On job – Focused and working hard.

“He’s proper on job with his studies.”


53. Reh teh teh – Used when explaining something but skipping details. *“He was like ‘reh teh teh’ and then we left.”