30 Popular Welsh Slang Terms

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At SlangHub, we’ve carefully selected our top 10 Welsh slang terms that we think best capture the spirit of the country. Here are our favourite’s:1. Cwtch – A warm, comforting hug.
“Come here, let me give you a cwtch.”
2. Dwt – A small or cute person.
“Aww, look at the dwt over there!”
3. Lush – Something really nice or tasty.
“That cake was lush!”
4. Tamping – Extremely angry.
“He was tamping when he found out!”
5. Butt – A term of endearment, like “mate” or “pal.”
“Alright, butt, how’s it going?”
6. Now in a minute – Soon, but not immediately.
“I’ll do it now in a minute.”
7. Mitching – Skipping school or work.
“They were mitching again yesterday.”
8. Buzzing – Excited or happy.
“I’m buzzing for the weekend!”
9. Twpsyn – A fool or silly person.
“Don’t be such a twpsyn.”
10. Ych a fi – Expression of disgust.
“Ugh, ych a fi, that’s gross!”
Other Popular Welsh Slang Terms
1. Alreet – An informal greeting, similar to “alright.” “Alreet, how’s things?”
2. Arddwrn – Someone who’s tight with money.
“He’s such an arddwrn, never buys a round.”
3. Bach – A term of affection, often for a child.
“Come here, bach, it’s time to eat.”
4. Boyo – A friendly term for a man or boy.
“How are you doing, boyo?”
5. Buzzing – Excited or happy.
“I’m buzzing for the weekend!”
6. Chopsy – Someone who talks too much or is argumentative.
“Don’t be so chopsy, butt.”
7. Daps – Trainers or gym shoes.
Grab your daps for PE!”
8. Gwl – Something great or cool.
“That new show was gwl.”
9. Llang – Slang for a party.
“We’re having a proper llang tonight.”
10. Mush – A mate or friend.
“How’s it going, mush?”
11. Pws – A kiss.
“Give us a pws before you go.”
12. Shwmae – Hello or how are you.
“Shwmae, how’s it going?”
13. Siarad – To chat or talk.
“Fancy a siarad later?”
14. Spanner – A fool.
“You complete spanner!”
15. Tidy – Good, nice, or attractive.
“That’s a tidy car you’ve got.”
16. Twp – Stupid or foolish.
“Don’t be twp, of course you can do it.”
17. Topper – Excellent.
“That meal was topper, fair play.”
18. Boyos – A group of boys or men.
“The boyos are heading to the pub later.”
19. Buzzing – Excited or happy.
“I’m buzzing for the weekend!”
20. Wnco – An old or silly man.
“He’s a bit of a wnco, that one.”