Call Of Duty Slang: Dominate The Competition

Call of Duty, or COD for short, is one of the most iconic first-person shooter games ever made, selling millions of copies across Xbox, Playstation, PC, and more recently, Mobile. Whether you’re playing online with friends or diving into ‘Zombies’ or story mode, COD is known for fast-paced action, intense firefights, and plenty of strategy.
But if you’ve ever join a match, or even waited in the lobby before battle, you’ve probably heard players throwing around all sorts of short-hand language, that can often sound like code.
So how do you know your dropshot from your camping? Or your clutch from your prestige?
That’s where the gamers here at Slang Hub come in! We’ve put together a list of the most popular Call of Duty slang terms to make sure you can go dominate online.
Call Of Duty Top 50 Slang Terms:
1. ADS (Aim Down Sights)
Refers to aiming with your weapon’s sights for better accuracy.
“I was ADSing when they rushed me from behind!”
2. OP (Overpowered)
When something in the game (usually a weapon or perk) is too strong.
“That sniper is OP, they need to nerf it!”
3. Noob
A beginner or inexperienced player.
“That noob just ran straight into the enemy fire.”
4. Prestige
Resetting your rank to level 1 after reaching the max level, showing off your experience.
“I just hit Prestige for the third time this season!”
5. Dropshot
Firing at an enemy while dropping to the ground to avoid getting hit.
“That guy keeps dropshotting me—so annoying!”
6. Camp/Camping
Staying in one spot to ambush opponents, often considered a cheap tactic.
“Stop camping in that corner and fight like a real player!”
7. Quickscope
Firing a sniper rifle right after quickly aiming down the sights, usually without holding aim for long.
“Did you see that quickscope? I barely aimed!”
8. Clutch
A last-minute play that saves the team or wins the match.
“I clutched the round with just 1 HP left!”
9. Nerf
When the developers reduce the power of a weapon or ability to make it more balanced.
“They finally nerfed that overpowered SMG!”
10. Frag
A term for a grenade, or the act of killing an opponent.
“Toss a frag into that building!”
11. Killstreak
Earning rewards or bonuses by getting multiple kills without dying.
“I’m on a 10-killstreak, bring in the chopper!”
12. Spawn
Where players or enemies re-enter the game after dying.
“I got spawn killed right after I dropped in!”
13. Hitmarker
An indication that you’ve hit an opponent, but didn’t kill them.
“I got a hitmarker, but they’re still standing!”
14. Sweaty
A player who tries extremely hard to win, often at the expense of fun.
“This lobby is so sweaty; everyone’s playing like it’s a tournament!”
15. Wallbang
Shooting an enemy through a wall or surface.
“I got him with a wallbang, didn’t even see him!”
16. GG (Good Game)
A polite way to say the match was fun or well-played.
“GG everyone, that was a close one!”
17. Hardscoping
Staying scoped in with a sniper rifle for too long, often frowned upon.
“Ugh, he’s just hardscoping the whole time!”
18. Sweat
A term for a player who tries too hard, often making the game less fun.
“I can’t handle these sweats, it’s just a casual game!”
19. Hitbox
The invisible area around a character that detects hits.
“His hitbox is so broken, I shot right through him!”
20. Nuke
A rare, powerful killstreak reward for getting a large number of kills without dying.
“I just dropped a nuke on them!”
21. Tactical Nuke
A specific kind of nuke in COD that ends the match when called in.
“Game over, I called in a tactical nuke!”
22. Flanking
Sneaking around the side or back of the enemy to surprise them.
“Let’s flank from the left and catch them off guard.”
23. Killcam
The replay that shows how an opponent killed you.
“That killcam showed exactly where he was hiding!”
24. Perk
Special abilities or bonuses that give players an edge in-game.
“I always run the Dead Silence perk to stay quiet.”
25. Spawn Trap
When players pin the enemy team in their spawn point, making it hard for them to escape.
“We got spawn trapped and couldn’t even move!”
26. Aim Assist
A feature that helps console players aim at targets.
“His aim assist is doing all the work!”
27. Cracked
A player who is playing extremely well or appears to have superhuman skills.
“That guy’s cracked! He wiped the whole squad!”
28. Feed
Getting multiple kills in quick succession, usually shown in the kill feed.
“Check out that feed, I just got a triple!”
29. Reload Cancel
Cancelling a reload animation early to start shooting faster.
“I managed to reload cancel just in time.”
30. Juggernaut
A powerful, armored killstreak reward that makes you almost unstoppable.
“The Juggernaut is here, we’re doomed!”
31. Boosting
When two players cooperate to help one another gain kills or rank up, often against the rules.
“Those guys were clearly boosting, they weren’t even trying to fight.”
32. One-shot
For when an opponent is on health, or often in need of being revived, that they can be killed with a single shot.
“He’s one-shot, finish him off!”
33. Sweaty Lobby
A match where everyone is playing extremely competitively.
“This is a sweaty lobby, no one’s messing around!”
34. Chopper Gunner
A powerful killstreak reward that lets you control a helicopter and rain down fire on enemies.
“I just unlocked the Chopper Gunner—let’s go!”
35. Rage Quit
Leaving the game out of frustration, often after losing badly.
“He rage quit after I sniped him three times!”
36. Camping Spot
A specific location where players tend to camp, often to get easy kills.
“That building is a notorious camping spot.”
37. UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
A killstreak that reveals enemy locations on the minimap.
“Pop the UAV, we need to see where they are.”
38. Sniper Glint
The reflective glare seen when someone is aiming a sniper rifle at you.
“I saw his sniper glint and ducked just in time!”
39. AFK (Away From Keyboard)
A player who is inactive or not moving during the match.
“Don’t worry, he’s AFK in spawn.”
40. Flashbang
A tactical grenade that blinds and disorients enemies.
“I got hit with a flashbang and couldn’t see anything!”
41. Sweatfest
A match or game filled with overly competitive players.
“That was a sweatfest, everyone was going full tryhard!”
42. Choked
When a player fails to finish off a winning play, often due to nerves.
“I choked the 1v1, should’ve had it!”
43. Grind
Putting in hours of gameplay to rank up or complete a challenge.
“I’ve been grinding all day to unlock that camo.”
44. Camo Grind
Working hard to unlock special camouflage skins for your weapons.
“I’m on the camo grind for that gold sniper!”
45. Peek
Quickly looking around a corner or over cover to spot enemies.
“Careful, they’re peeking from behind that wall.”
46. LMG (Light Machine Gun)
A heavy-duty weapon that has a large ammo capacity but is slower to handle.
“I’m using the LMG to lay down suppressing fire.”
47. Radar Jammer
A device that blocks enemy UAVs, keeping you off the minimap.
“I’ve got a radar jammer up, we’re invisible now.”
48. Tilted
Playing worse than usual because of frustration or anger.
“I got so tilted after that headshot!”
49. Teamkill
Accidentally or intentionally killing a teammate.
“Oops, I teamkilled you, my bad!”
50. Cross-map
Hitting a shot or throwing equipment from one side of the map to the other.
“I just got a cross-map tomahawk kill!”
Know anymore Call Of Duty Slang Terms? Let us know!